Full of Joy, immense Love and Gratitude for This Healing Gift
from Joyce Smith (Retired Assistant Principal & Educator with Master's Degree in Bilingual Bicultural Studies), Fairfield, Iowa:

Beloved Master Mu, All of Your Staff and Persons Facilitating the
Kidney Bladder Healing System class I just viewed here in December 2015,
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
I send you immense love and gratitude for this healing gift.
Words do not convey the joy and gratitude I am experiencing after this class.
I especially love your celestial singing at the end, Master Mu.
I felt a lot of energy moving. I also felt a little discomfort in my left kidney (an indication that the energy in the left kidney was weak and the Qi was working on healing the weak area). In addition, I saw some purple and golden light during the final segment, and felt the presence of the Medical Healing Deities towards the end.
Thank you for offering the class in this format. It worked great for me, and I am encouraged to do it again in the future.
Love and gratitude to all,
Joyce Smith
So much Open, Loving, andSexual Energy After Attendingthe Kidney System Healing Class Beyond Time and Space
from Collette Taaffe (Intuitive Healer & Body Worker), Cave Creek, Arizona:
Thank youMary and much love and gratitude to you and Master Mu.
Iexperienced a beautiful shift during the class into my beautiful yin energy. My heart felt so open and loving and so much sexual energy, and creative love and my true essence.
The practice is so gentle yet so powerful.
While working on my clients today I could feel so much love and joy coming through me to them. It did not even feel like work . Ifelt so happy to be this channel for them and to serve.
I am so happy I was guided to connect with Master Mu and all of you.
Just bringing my thoughts to the practice during the day caused the discordant genetic karmic energies to move into love and joy so much faster than before.
Thanks you Thanks you Thank you.
I can feel the ascended masters around me working with me.
Much Love,
Feeling More Confident from the Kidney System Healing Class
from Hector Campero (Director of Human Development), Mexico City, Mexico:
I live and work in Mexico City, Mexico, and participated in PureBeautiful Healing's healing event last January, as a Remote Student, on Healing the Kidneys/Bladder System with Qi Gong, taught by Master Mu. I was connected with the PureBeautiful Healing energy during the entire event even though there was no livestreaming at the time. By the last hour, I was in a deep state of pure stillness, serenity and wellbeing. I also feel more confident! When I learnt later that confidence is in direct relationship with the health of the Kidneys, I felt truly amazed.
Thank you, Master TianJia Mu!
Thank you for All the Great Benefits from the Dancing Qi Gong for Healing the Kidney System
from Julie Blanc (Cook), Mare Island, California:
Thanks so much, this class was a gem! I have experienced so many benefits from the energy healing transmission I received right after registration, before, during, and after our class that it is hard to describe. I feel better than I have in years...more confidence, positive attitude, loving sentiments, and hope for the future! I now think that all things are possible, that I can accomplish them, and I'm just getting started! As I told Master Mu right after the class, her classes mean the world to me.
Thank you, Master Mu, for teaching and healing us and for being so awesome!
Great Healing of My Hearing after Remotely Taking the Class on Dancing Qi Gong for Healing the Kidney System & Powerful Dance Video
from Kathryn Nymoen (Voice-Over Artist), San Jose, California:
What a perfect and wonderful class!!
Over the past 2 weeks I have had some wonderful improvement in my hearing and particularly, my left ear! I was walking last night and I could hear someone's footsteps on a distant track as they crunched along. To me, that was MUSIC TO MY EARS : - ) I have also had vivid dreams, for about two weeks, along with deeper and more restful sleep. ALL GOOD.
The video that Master Mu made is so powerful. While watching it for the first time while the room was cleared I just had tears streaming down my cheeks. I did not feel any grief. This was more a feeling of such profound beauty and SOUL.
Love and Light,