Divine Protection Practice Online Course


        Protect yourself from Negative Energy, Radiation, & Toxins

*If you are new to this attending method, please click Online Courses (Videos + Energy Healing Transmission) for an explanation.

The Celestial Shield is a protective energetic shield, custom-made for each student. When you are protected by this great tool, you will be able to LOVE completely with NO FEAR in spite of being exposed to various negative environments. Therefore, this powerful protection has been very well welcome by doctors, nurses, massage therapists, acupuncturists, doctors of TCMs, chiropractors, other professionals in the healing arts, consultants, coaches, or other professionals who work closely with other people or animals who may carry negative energy, and by people who are exposed to pollutants, chemicals, toxic environments, or negative energis.  

Watch the Video: Celestial Shield M1 - What & Why

Benefits of the Celestial Shield (based upon students’ feedback):

  • Protects You from Pollution, Viruses, Bacteria, Toxins, & Radiation
  • Strengthens Your Immune System
  • Keeps You from Spirit Attachments
  • Enables Your Body to Withstand the Force from Physical Impact or Accidents
  • Safeguards You from Unhealthy Energy, while enhancing Your Healing Energy so you can focus on taking care of others by being able to LOVE completely with NO FEAR

In this online course, you will:

  • learn the importance of energetic protection.
  • receive and activate your own Celestial Shield.
  • learn how to cultivate, support, and strengthen your Celestial Shield.

Upon receiving your registration, we will send you detailed info including how to access this online course. After receiving the DATE on which you are planning on taking the online course the first time (which you can repeat later on your own as many times as you wish), Master Mu will take in your information and energy deep into her heart, mind, and consciousness, and start to work remotely for you and send you the corresponding Energy Healing Transmission for 3 consecutive days including the day before, the day during, and the day after you take the course.

For this particular course, on the day before you take the online course, Master Mu will work on having your Celestial Shield custom made for you by the Universal Grandmasters in charge of this practice in addition to sending you the Energy Healing Transmission to start enhancing and strengthening your Celestial Shield.

If you are new and have not met Master Mu in person yet, we recommend that you email us a recent photo of yours (without sunglasses) for the purpose of making your connection with Master Mu deeper and stronger while Master Mu relays the corresponding EHT from the Source to you to maximize your benefits.

Tuition Per Person: $899

We lovingly offer a Special Discount for our frontline doctors, nurses, and other healers: $100 off per person.

Discount Code: SupportHealers (case sensitive)

Event ID: 

* = Required
Please register one participant at a time.

I warrant that I am physically, mentally and emotionally well enough to be able to participate in this online course. I warrant that I have not been diagnosed with any contagious disease or mental illness. I warrant that I am not a carrier of any contagious disease or have any history of mental diseases in my family. I also warrant that I have not had a surgery recently or internal bleeding. If I had one, I have fully recovered from the surgery or internal bleeding. If, in the future, I am diagnosed with any contagious disease or mental illness or have a surgery or internal bleeding, for my own protection, I will stop practicing PBH Qi Gong immediately until I'm fully recovered. I release the teachers and affiliates of PureBeautiful Healing Foundation from any responsibility for my physical, mental, and emotional well-being.


2 + 4 =
Although you will receive an email from us with the subject title "Thank You for Your Registration", your registration is not yet complete. To finish your registration, please process your payment on the next payment page. You will receive a separate confirmation from PayPal soon afterwards to show that your registration is complete.